Quality Posts


Hu Zheng

(Student, early twenties, lives in China)


Genius Forum: February - March 2004



What is the different between academic philosophy and heroin? When dive into it, they feel very good, they want to dive into it always, but they must get out of it sometime, get money to buy new heroin, just as they often get money by sell heroin to others, the academic philosophy teacher can only earn money by teaching his philosophy to others, when he is out of his mental world, he is weak, both the body and spirit is weak, and, as academic philosophy is just a chronically poison, they can dive into it in their whole life, but they find them must be a professor in a university to earn some money to maintain the life, their philosophy is only theirs, no help to others.


Most human is still animal, hay and copulation are enough for them, they don't need truth, so don't try to tell them the truth, or they will be angry(such as, you are pigs), they don't need freedom, so don't give the freedom to them, or they will starve to death in the forest.



When i hear the roommates' words, when i go outside and watch the peoples, their weak, their null spiritual, their non-exists astonished me. How can they be so ignorant? and even they are still call the "elite" as being a university student. One people have no different from one ant. They have nothing filled in their brain, it is not that they can't, but they don't. The present age must be the most important age in human history, human explored the whole earth, the science applied everywhere, Internet spreads to everywhere, and the society become very stable! No big war seems will happen after the invention of atom bomb, it is easy for everyone to alive comfortably...As stable as the ant and honey. Ant and honey have existed for million years, but never developed further in these million years.


Don't force your opinion on your son, the next generation is always better than you. Let the sapling grown up without your scissors. Never suppress the humanity, such as play games in childhood, such as sex desire, don't you see, most student play computer games everyday in the university now, because they don't play enough computer games ago, this can't be suppressed, i have played many games in my childhood, so I past this state now, and start learning in the university.


One sentence in a philosophy book can extend to a literature book. It is always like this. Words in a philosophy book are all essence.


Philosophy is so useful, but most people didn't sensed this, if the philosopher's ideology spread everywhere, it will change the whole world more than science, if i can just spread and explain Nietzsche's thinking to the world, it is BIG enough. I need to understand Nietzsche's thinking completely first.


Do you want to be Bill Gate? Einstein? Nietzsche? ... No. If there exists god, he let me to choose to be anyone of them or death, I will choose death. If being one of them, then where is me? Death won't eliminate me, because death is one part of my life. So many people are doing things to eliminate himself, to be another one. If god ask me whether want to be god, i will say no too. What i want to do? I only want to be myself, to be me, but i am already myself, i am already me, then i need to do nothing. I walk there, i sit here, i develop StarDict, i think, this is doing nothing. What am i doing? Being myself, or, doing nothing.


The world is very small in fact, i am related to everything in the world in fact, everything influenced me, i influenced everything, even a star in the sky, have relation to me. I trust this. As said in "Poison for The Heart":"The air you breath in is breath out by me".



I go out and have classes sometimes, i am in there, i am outside there. I watch them, and think. Have them conscious themselves? They have a ego, but their ego is so small, that they haven't conscious themselves. I look through their head, their conscious to me, is only a little floating smoke, it is there, but if they can't find it by themselves, it will not be there easily. I go out of the classroom when the teacher is still there, there is no rule to me, as i am not in their world. I walk on the road, i am in the world, but i know, the world is just in my conscious, my conscious is so big, that contained the whole world, my conscious extend from my head to the outside, contained the cosmos. Everything, everybody, is just a small part as in my conscious, a small part of Me.


Once i find the Me, i find it can never be eliminated. Death can't eliminate me. Where i come from? When am i generated? When i was born, i was generated? Or when the oosperm conjugate? or I was inside the gene? The me is so miraculous, that it can't generate from null, it can't be generated, it is always there. The physical me is just some material, these material is there, always there, when the cosmos is there, the physical me is there, it is always changing, but it is always there. Then, the spiritual me, when i am a infant, i know nothing, i only being me, it is only a me, but it is me, the me, is there, always there, it is always changing, from know nothing to know something, from know something to know nothing, but it is always there. The me is not generated instantly when i was born. I can't be generated instantly, then, i can't be eliminated instantly, death is said to will eliminated me instantly, but it can't, as i am not generated instantly. I am there, after the death. The physical me is still there, the spiritual me is still there, the physical me may become the material in other forms again, but it is still there, the spiritual me may become know nothing again as before i was born, but it is still there. I never generated, I never eliminated. Birth didn't generated me, death won't eliminate me. I exist from the start, i exist forever. Where i come from? I am there from the start. Where i go? I am there forever.



I know i will be alone forever. Once you find the Me, you will get this too. Do I have the desire of to be not lonely? If there is me, there is lonely.

Try to be lonely as me, try to be individual as me, it feel very good, and it is very good :) Be a eagle hover in the air, don't be a sparrow in the many other sparrows.



If Otto Weininger didn't commit suicide...

Otto was a brilliant student in high school (Gymnasium), exhibiting a special flair for the humanities. Later, he also developed a keen interest in the natural sciences and mathematics. He possessed his parents' talent for languages and at eighteen, apart from German, knew Latin and Greek, spoke French, English, and Italian well, and was fluent in Spanish and Norwegian. At age sixteen, he wrote an etymological essay on certain Greek adjectives found only in Homer and attempted unsuccessfully to publish it in a leading philological journal of the time. He was not, however, a model schoolboy. He frequently disturbed classroom teaching and followed his own inclinations in his studies, rarely paying heed to his teachers. "My pleasure in 'hell-raising' in class is my pleasure in chaos," Weininger noted in his pocket notebook in 1903.

Shortly after the publication of his book Weininger said to a friend "There are three possibilities for me - the gallows, suicide, or a future so brilliant that I don't dare to think of it".



Television, newspaper, magazine, all garbages.



To the future reader: when you are reading my articles, you may find what i said is right, but you already know these things, why i say these obviously right things here? but, please don't take these things for granted, I see numerous people didn't understand these things yet, human is much stupider than you thought of. Everyone know the earth is round when he is born? No.



When i review the sentences that i wrote down, i find, it changed, it can't express what i want to say when writing them, these sentences appears to be the words come from a innocent and passionate child now, most of the things i want to say is lost, if you use your experience to understand my words, you will only get the understanding which fit yourself, our experience are different, but my experience can't be write down, I can't tell these experience to you. The truth need to be taught face by face! So we can share the experience. It is said that only 38% of the truth can be written down, right. How to get the other portion of the truth? You need to build your own experience and be thinking.

I know your feeling after read my articles, such as, when you see i say i am enlightened, you just think this is a lovely boy, but i mean i am really enlightened, you lack the experience of enlightened, so you can't understand what i say, you use your experience to understand it, then you think you just meet a funny boy.


It is very boring that one people always saying himself being a genius, but, please forgive me, i just wrote down what i thought honestly. And you know, i am only only saying this, i am doing some other things, i am thinking.



Physics and many other nature science are only one small part of the truth, most truth lie in the human itself. What i am good at is understanding myself, then i understand the others easily too.


If you don't trust that you can done it, how can you done it? If i don't trust i am a genius, how can i be a genius? So i must trust it, even just for maybe i am a genius. Boy, you need to trust you are genius too, i can tell you:"you are a genius", you can trust me. The different from enlightened or not is very small, every boy have the potential to achieve enlightenment. You are told that you are not a genius because your achievement is not good? No, you are still a genius, your achievement is much better than the young Einstein at least. You are a genius, always remember this, always trust this!

The different between you and I is not i am a genius and you are not, but I trust i am a genius but you don't.


I can give you a powerful weapon which i find occasionally: You want to defeat him? Always laugh :) Laugh when he is showing his money, his car. He cost many years' toil to get these things, you break he by one second, just by showing your laugh to him :) You will find he can't laugh happily as you, because you have everything that he want in his heart, and he know the car which he have is not wanted by you, he don't want the car too, so he envy you and can't laugh about. Laugh when the teacher ask you to do something with his solemn face, and leave him :) But, to laugh naturally, you need to achieve enlightenment first :)


Go out, go to feel the earth and the sky, don't always stay in a room, or your view will be limited!

Your everyday life is not ultimate reality, the earth and the sky are neglected in your everyday life, the everyday life is just a world build by many people, it have no different from a world in a book, a world in a computer game.


To be honest, i confess that i am a little making fun of you, sometimes, my laugh is a little like the laugh when you see a monkey wearing the clothes and doing something. You think the things what the monkey is doing have no meaning and laugh, i sometimes think... :)

Don't tell others that you get a good job which the monthly pay is six thousands, while others heard this and envy you, i laugh, because i begin to imagine a monkey become very happy because she is given six peaches everyday :_)


Nietzsche go mad, Weininger commit suicide, I laugh :) I am lucky, that i read their books, not write their books. Then...

These thought have already sprout in my head, so when i read Nietzsche and Weininger's books, i understand their thought easily, and think they are right. If I didn't read their books, i must be me write their books, which will make my life as miserable as theirs.

I am confident, and I must be confident, this is directly related to my life. Nietzsche and Weininger are confident, they trust there will be a person who understand their thinking and agree with them 100 years later. My confidence is easier, there are two geniuses 100 years ago who agree with me.



Oh, please, please don't think i am genius, i am not a genius, how can you trust the words come out from a child when he is dreaming, don't treat my words seriously, just get joy from them, or you will find you are played by a child :)

If i am not the genius, you are? Yes, if you think i am not a genius, then you are a genius. Yes, you really think i am not a genius, because, you are really a genius!



When i am thinking, the whole world is in my head, the cosmos is in my head, the history is in my head, everything i know is in my head :) Everybody is in my head, every great man is thinking in my head, i explore this world by my thinking, i see Mao Zhedong, what is he thinking? i start thinking, then i understand what he is thinking :) Their thought is only a part of my thinking.



Don't neglect any small clue of your thinking, think about it deeply, then surprising thought come out.



Everyone of you know that human is different from animal is because human can think, but, are you thinking? you are thinking about food, house... animals can think about these things too.



Genius must often feel that himself is a ignorance, i always feel i am a ignorance, know nothing, now :) So i learn eagerly. The different between ignorance and idiot is that idiot don't try to learn.



Yes, the more my head is clear, the more clear i know i am the lightning that Nietzsche waited, the more my head is clear, the more clear i know i am the genius of geniuses that Weininger waited. I say the precious words, loudly, with my calm, clear head.

Geniuses in the world! Unite! The lightning is out! The first superman is born! The genius of geniuses is born! Follow me! Enlighten yourself! Geniuses!



Awake, you are being a monkey! You don't "think" so? Try to record every word you said today, try to record every action you are doing today, then spend one day to watch it tomorrow! You will find a monkey!



Monkey won't create anything in their whole life, what have you create? The computer you are using is not created by you, the clothes you are wearing is not created by you, everything around you is not created by you, you monkey. You take the material things created by geniuses, but you never take the spiritual things created by geniuses, have you read even one book written by the geniuses in the past so many years? You monkey.


Everyone of you have these things in your heart too, the desire of truth is in your heart when you were born, but all of you forget it, lost your desire of truth. Why human are born? You are born with the desire of truth, the mission is given to you when you are born, but all of you forget your mission in your life when you grown up.

Start to recollect your childhood, write down it with every detail, you will find your desire of truth again, you will find you are a genius!



If i am not so wise, i won't go to the way of becoming philosopher :_) I am not dazzling my wise here, you know, being a philosopher is not so wonderful, but it is inevitable to me now, once start your thinking, you can never stop it, hoho. Truth, is not so good too, :) inevitable. Anyway, being a philosopher to me is not so bad presently, i am much happier than ago, although the happy is different from the happy ago, i can always burst into laugh when reading some philosophy books, :) the bad thing will come some years later, that is, become a sage :) look at those sages, so dreadful life they are leading, :_), inevitable.


While being a child, never forget to train yourself as being a superman.



Genius, remember, always make yourself happier than others, so it is you laugh at them, rather than they :_) People feel good when they know genius feel not good(so they often ask you "Are you well?", and my answer "super well" often make them disappointed) .....



I sit in the dining hall and have lunch, i look at the passing students by my innocent eyes, the pure human is so seldom, i didn't meet one in the past half an hour.



"Pleasure is to be defined even more generally then than the feeling of creation. It can only be defined unequivocally as the feeling of life, as becoming conscious of existence; pain as the feeling of some kind of death (thus is sickness painful)." -- Weininger



The secret of success is, never stop, so he is impossible to fail.



"We can thus note this much against eudaemonism, that the goal of the striving must not be mistaken for the feeling that arises at the goal (which I can know from experience). When I strive for the higher life, I strive for something whose accompanying phenomenon is higher pleasure, but not for pleasure itself. Likewise, man longs for woman, and woman for man, not directly for pleasure." -- Weininger



Oh, Weininger saved my life, i know this is true. I am alive till now is a miracle, i have experience death for so many times(several electric shocks, drowning, appendicitis, many death accident i didn't aware or escaped and many chances to commit suicide :) i am laughing now, this is common in geniuses, genius like try everything, the lovely genius) in the past years. God is a miracle.



Animals and plants are the unconscious in man.



"Society expresses its sympathy for the geniuses of the past to distract attention from the fact that it has no intention of being sympathetic to the geniuses of the present." --Celia Green. Too right, genius is said to be awaited by them, but genius is not welcomed when come. "When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." --Jonathan Swift.


I have no interest to discuss whether i am a genius, let's discuss whether you are a idiot :)



I am always joking, until more and more things become true, we are always laughing, until you know the meaning of my laugh :)



"Universality is the distinguishing mark of genius. There is no such thing as a special genius, a genius for mathematics, or for music, or even for chess, but only a universal genius. The genius is a man who knows everything without having learned it." -- Weininger


 "There are many kinds of talent, but only one kind of genius, and that is able to choose any kind of talent and master it." -- Weininger



"If a common theory, especially popular with the philosophers of the coffee-house, be true, that productive men (because they are always covering new ground) have no memory, it is often because they are productive only from being on new ground." -- Weininger



"Maternal love is an instinctive and natural impulse, and animals possess it in a degree as high as that of human beings. This alone is enough to show that it is not true love, that it is not of moral origin; for all morality proceeds from the intelligible character which animals, having no free will, do not possess. The ethical imperative can be heard only by a rational creature; there is no such thing as natural morality, for all morality must be self-conscious." -- Weininger



"Napoleon, the greatest of the conquerors, is a sufficient proof that great men of action are criminals, and, therefore, not geniuses." -- Weininger



"Great men of action, then, must be excluded from the category of genius. The true genius, whether he be an artist or a philosopher, is always strongly marked by his relation to the constructive side of the world." -- Weininger



"Geniuses experience a second adolescence, whereas other people are only young once." -- Goethe.



IQ test is certainly can't test the wise quality, and the genius often think about those problems more deep and from various aspect, so they can't get very high mark in the IQ test, but if give they enough time they should can get very high mark. Einstein is not good at psychology, this can be explained as he is not wise, and his face will give you this impression directly too, so Einstein is not a true genius as Napoleon.


Aphorisms from Weininger's Notebooks:

- Innocence is ignorance. To know and remain innocent would be the highest.

- Morality expresses itself thus: Act in full consciousness, that is, act so that in every moment you are whole, your entire individuality is there. Man experiences this individuality over the course of his life only in successive moments: that is why time is immoral and no living person ever holy, perfect. If man once acts with the strongest will so that all universality of his self (and of the world, for he is indeed the microcosm) is set in the moment, then has he overcome time and become divine.

- There is no such thing as chance. Chance would be a negation of the law of causality, which demands that even the temporal meeting of two separate causal chains still has a cause. Chance would destroy the possibility of life . . . It would nullify the connectedness of things, the oneness of the universe. If there is chance, then there is no God.

- Crime and punishment are not two, but one.

- A person lives until he enters either into the Absolute or into Nothingness. In freedom he himself determines his future life; he chooses God or Nothingness. He annihilates himself or creates himself unto eternal life. For him a double progress is possible: one toward eternal life (to perfect wisdom and holiness, to a condition fully adequate to the idea of the True and the Good) and one toward eternal annihilation. However, he continually advances in one of these two directions; there is no third.


Weininger think there only exist two type of genius, genius as artist or genius as philosopher, but i think, the absolute genius(the greatest genius, the genius of geniuses) can only be a philosopher(or religion founder ago). Weininger find him have musical genius later on as "I now have the conviction that I am yet born to be a musician", i can understand this, when i have good mood i will begin to humming, the rhythm which come out from my heart will be a music if i get enough training on music, and if i draw down what i see when i walk on the road, which make me feel i am the god, it will be a good drawing too. Artist is still not absolute genius can be know by their face(Beethoven, Von Gang), that is still not very humanly. All other type of geniuses(artist, literateur, scientist, emperor, politician, psychologist...) are just have some portion of the absolute genius, or the absolute human.


Geniuses are the most easy to get on with people in fact, except they make you ashamed when you compare yourself with them, but this is not their fault, they never despise you in fact, they smile to you sincerely when meet you, you should build up your self-respect, and, only when you insist on your stupidity in front of them, as it will destroy their good mood, they will play with you and reveal your stupidity in front of you to the extreme, so you should start to recognize your ignorance as Socrates, as geniuses.


If you love yourself, you are in your reality. The happiest people's reality, who never decline is called the ultimate reality. How to keep never decline?



The universe is one. Physics terminated :_) I am not joking, this is the most simple formula which physicists pursued, science was always only philosophy's helper, it tell you truths, and only philosophy can tell you the one truth, the utmost truth.



I know my utmost truth will change the whole human, but my last vanity, the vanity for immortality, have already disappeared :) As i know i am immortal, even no one know my name :)



"Genius never desires what does not exist." -- Kierkegaard.



I run on the playground, Weininger didn't died, Nietzsche didn't died, their spirit are completely filled the whole world, my spirit is completely filled the whole world, many geniuses' spirit are completely filled the whole world, they become the same as the whole world, as the nature, become the happiest, and so will never be eliminated. Buddha's highest realm should be the same as mine, entered the happiest world, the eternal world, Weininger entered this world too, i paste this again, "A person lives until he enters either into the Absolute or into Nothingness. In freedom he himself determines his future life; he chooses God or Nothingness. He annihilates himself or creates himself unto eternal life. For him a double progress is possible: one toward eternal life (to perfect wisdom and holiness, to a condition fully adequate to the idea of the True and the Good) and one toward eternal annihilation. However, he continually advances in one of these two directions; there is no third", yes, Buddha tell you enter into the Absolute too, or you will become Nothingness.



 Just like whether you are a genius depend on whether you believe you are a genius, whether you entered into the Absolute depend on whether you believe you have already entered into the Absolute. I have already believed this.



Make your ambition be higher than anyone else in the world, so they won't worry about you that you will envy their things.



I look at the television, animals sit together and are so happy :_)



Genius don't like herd together as they don't like to be the same as others while they know they are different from others.



Human is thinking, god is laughing. I always laugh while you are thinking :_)



Read over a book of Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu have get to know the harmoniousness. The essence of his thinking is written in the first two sentences, others are mainly used to cheat stupid people, so his wisdom can save to today.



On girl, speak very fast is the indication of high intelligence, the beautiful face is the indication of emotion, the good shape of body is the indication of will. Just like most boy is weak on will, most girl is weak on intelligence.


When i input my thinking notes which was written on the paper into the computer, i find, my thinking that only several days ago was so naive, but i know, but the people, those adults, are as naive as my old thinking, they get one position of my thinking, then stopped thinking, develop that thinking to detail, which seems very complex but the essence is still very naive as mine.



Why "The earth is around" is accepted by children so naturally and easily while it was so ridiculous ago? My thinking will be accepted by everyone too, but you must remember, it was very ridiculous ago too.


One experience, always write down your thinking honestly, even you are thinking about many very "bad" things, you will get to know your old "bad" thinking is just very naive soon, be thinking bravely, or you can't make your thinking get progress. I have the experience of fear "dangerous" thinking too, but you should know, you are only a child, everyone will forgive you even you have "bad" thinking :) I understand why only i can do the work of enlighten human now, as only a child can be so brave.


I know what i am good at, i can make your thought which you think is very deep become as naive as mine just by reply several words, it is because your thought is really very naive. I can make all of you become naive children again :_)


Why he teach you while he know that he needn't teach you? Because there are several women pretending to listening to him. People all start to pretend when herd together. They haven't much things learned, so they need to pretend. They have no valuable things to do, so they have time to pretend.



Make idiots understand me is impossible.
If i can see Nietzsche and Weininger after commit suicide, i will do it immediately.
Tears are flowing on my face.
Why i am so ruthless? Because i have devoted all my love.



Hu Zheng's full writings can be accessed through his website - here.